The following information was found in newspaper clippings in the Cory, Indiana, file at the library. There was no newspaper name listed.
Cory, Indiana: May 1904
May showers bring the grass.
Many of the boys are sporting new rubber tire buggies.
Calvin LEWTON and Riley MYERS were in Terre Haute Sunday.
Lawrence WEST is clerking in the drug store for Edgar STAGGS.
The Perry Township republicans met here last Saturday in mass convention to nominate their township ticket. The convention organized by electing O. O. VANCLEVE chairman and Joseph ARMSTRONG secretary. An election board was chosen which was composed of John FOULKE, Calvin LEWTON, Josepth ARMSTRONG and W. S. GARD. The candidates for trustee were Geroge COBLE and John JEFFERS and those for assessor were John DONHAM and Wilson PEARCY.
A ballot was taken for trustee which resulted in Mr. COBLE being nominated over Mr. JEFFERS by 15 votes. The ballot was taken for assessor which gave Mr. DONHAM the nomination over Mr. PEARCY by a majority of 9 votes. The convention was attended by two hundred or more persons. The best of feeling prevailed throughout the work of the convention. A good ticket has been nominated and its election this fall is reasonably certain.
It is good old summer.
And the corn planter is busy.
The ice cream man is glad.
Joseph HUTCHINSON was here Sunday from Terre Haute.
Ira TRYON the E. & I. Agent was in Terre Haute last Sunday.
Wallace BRILL who has had bad health for some time is now much better.
Uncle Enoch RECTOR is reported as being in a serious condition with little hopes of recovery.
Aaron BARBER, the merchant, made a trip to Terre Haute Friday.
A.M. GLICK, Dr. O. JAMES and P. H. GLICK have had their houses painted.
Miss Ethel DONHAM who has been quite low with rheumatic fever is now much improved.
James THOMAS has purchased the meat market of John LARRISON. Jimmy is a young man of much hustle and will do his best to please his customers.
Charles COX has moved his family to Terre Haute where he has lunched forth as a carpenter. As the building boom is quite active in the windy city Charles says he has plenty of good paying contracts sighted.
Alva GLICK, our undertaker, was in Indianapolis last week attending a convention of the funeral directors.
John and Curtis STONEBURNER were in Terre Haute last Friday.
Dr. O. JAMES is having some repairing and remodeling done on his residence.
Clay County democratic bosses are now posing before the people as being honest men. Actions speak louder than words and but few will believe in the trumped up charges of honesty.
John STONEBURNER, the hotel man, is completing an addition and some improvements on the hotel building which add quite a great deal to its convenience and appearance.
The commencement exercises last Saturday evening were attended by a large crowd. The address by Prof. James M. TILLEY was excellent in every particular and met with the hearty approval of the audience.
Cory, Indiana: June 30, 1904
Oats and grass are looking fine.
Farmers are busy plowing corn between showers.
GLICK & sons are busy bailing hay for eastern and southern markets.
David STARKE and family, of Brazil, were here a part of last week visiting James COOPER and family.
Samuel B. RILEY, of Brazil, was here Monday in the interest of his paper. He was also predicting dire calamity for the democrats.
Peter COBLE and James WEST, the carpenters, are quite busy with work. Republican prosperity is keeping all of our people quite busy and out of the soup houses.
Peter MILLER and family, who live on the Clay prairie, were the guests of Aaron BARBER and family last Sunday.
Thomas PHILLIPS and family, of Brazil, were here Saturday evening and Sunday visiting his father, Early PHILLIPS and family.
Isaac ASHER, of Center Point, was in town Monday on his way to see Algy MCCULLOUGH, who has quite a lot of painting to be done.
Almon JEFFERS and family were visiting relatives in Terre Haute last Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Grace BARBER last Friday returned home from a visit with acquaintances in Chicago.
Edgar STAGGS and W. S. GARD were at Riley last Saturday evening to attend a meeting of the F. & a. M. fraternity.
Lorenzo GARD last Thursday went to Muncie to visit for a few days his daughters, Mrs. Edie JACKSON and Miss Myrtie GARD, and also his son Harvey, who has been in New York for some time past and was then on his way to St. Louis, where he will remain till the exposition closes Dec. first.
W. H. MOYER, the miller, has purchased the property that was recently vacated by Jasper STAGGS. He is now at work raising the dwelling, remodeling and putting on two new rooms.
Messrs. R. L. KENNEDY, Simon ROWE, Frank SMITH, Jacob ELL and Guy BUSH were in town one day last week ascertaining the true value of some of the personal property of our denizens, after which they wended their way to Lewis township where gravel roads are being discussed.
Cory, Indiana: April 1904
Has spring gotten out of the lap of winter?
W. S. GARD lost a good brood mare a few days ago.
Peter COBLE, the contractor and marrying squire, has moved to the farm just north of Cory.
A.M. GLICK has been quite busy the past his farm south of Cory.
Thomas KEHOE, of Terre Haute, was in town Monday looking after the purchase of some hay.
Perry Township Democrats met here last Saturday to nominate a township ticket. For trustee the names of George RECTOR, John MILLER and Edgar STAGGS were presented. For assessor the names of Ben SIEGELIN, Homer BROWN, Joseph DONHAM and Lee REECE were presented.
Cory, Indiana: July 20, 1904
Quite warm thank you.
Fred VANNESS, of Brazil, was here a part of the past week.
John FINLEY, the insurance man of Brazil, was here last week.
Lon NEES and family, of Brazil, were the guests last Sunday of Edgar STAGGS and family.
W.H. MOYER, the miller, will soon have his new residence completed.
Uncle Enoch CADE died Friday evening after several days lingering of senile debility. He was a resident of Perry Township a long time and was the oldest man in the township. He was public spirited and progressive in his views.